All of us here at HEALING HEARTS YOUTH RANCH are in constant need of prayer. The children, horses, volunteers, board of directors, and ranch facilities are in need of protection, wisdom, and direction. |
Financial Contributions: Although the ranch program is offered for free, the maintenance and daily operations are costly. We exist on the generous donations and contributions of our supporters. One-time gifts, ongoing monthly support, and special project giving are vital to maintaining our program.
Volunteers: Volunteers are both needed and wanted both as individuals and groups for special projects and work days. Children are welcome to volunteer when accompanied by a parent.
LAND: As you know our corporation is vastly growing and within the next few years we will need to expand. We feel the only way is to relocate to a larger site. Healing Hearts is non profit and we rely 100% on contributions made to our ranch so our hope is the land will be donated. |
Wish List: Horse feed, Hay, wormers, Riding Helmets, lead ropes, brushes, halters,children saddles, saddle pads. At our ranch we find a use for everything so any donations are widely accepted and greatly appreciated.